DENG, Guotai
Chinese Version (中文版)
Personal Information:
Address: Schoolof Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079
Sex: male
Tel: 15997412278, 18186167059,
QQ/WeChat: 7288874,
Education experience
Ph.D. Wuhan University, 2006. Advisor: Professor Zhixiong Wen
M.A. Central China Normal University, 2003.
B.A. Central China Normal University, 2000.
Work experience
Work in: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, associate professor, from 2006 to today.
Fractal Geometry and wavelet analysis
Main published papers
[1] G.T. Deng, C.T., Liu, S.M. Ngai, Topological properties of a class of self-affine tiles in
, Trans. AMS, 370(2)(2018), 1321–1350.
[2] G.T. Deng, S.M. Ngai, Differentiability of
-spectrum and multifractal decomposition by using infinite graph-directed IFSs, Adv. Math.,311(2017), 190~237.
[3] G.T. Deng, S.M. Ngai, C.T. Liu, Dimensions of the boundary of a graph- directed self-similar set with overlaps, Houston J. Math., 42(1)(2016), 179~210.
[4]G.T. Deng, K.S. Lau, J.J. Luo, Lipschitzequivalence of self-similar sets and hyperbolic boundaries II. J. Fractal Geom. 2(1)(2015), 53–79.
[5] G.T. Deng, X. G. He, Lipschitz equivalence of fractal sets in R, Sci, China, 55(10)(2012), 2095-2107.
[6] Z. X. Wen, Z. Y. Zhu, G. T. Deng. Lipschitz equivalence of a class of general Sierpinski carpets, J. Math. Anal. & appl., 385(2012), 16–23.
[7] G.T. Deng, X. G. He, Z. X. Wen, Self-similar structure on intersections of triadic Cantor sets, J. Math. Anal. & appl., 337(2008), 617-631. (Reviewer: DavidA. Croydon).
[8] G.T. Deng, X. G. He, Integral self-affine sets with positive Lebesgue measures, Archiv. Der. Mathematik, 90(2)(2008), 150-157.
Sep. 24, 2012 – Dec. 24, 2013: Visiting Scholar, Department of mathematics, The Chinese University of Hongkong,Hongkong.
Apr. 9, 2013 – Apr. 9, 2014: Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Georgia Southern University, USA.