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On Prime, Real, and Imaginary Modules for Quantum Affine Algebras

发布时间:2024-03-25 作者:77779193永利官网 浏览次数:
Speaker: Adriano Moura DateTime:  2024年3月26日(周二)上午9:30-10:30
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

Adriano Moura,坎皮纳斯大学副教授

Place: 6号楼M323报告厅
Abstract:One of the most challenging problems in the realm of the category of finite-dimensional representations of a quantum affine algebra is that of understanding the factorization of each simple module as a tensor product of other simple modules. The modules which do not admit non-trivial such decomposition are said to be prime. On the other hand, a simple module is said to be real or imaginary according to whether its tensor square remains simple or not, respectively. Achieving a classification of these three classes of modules is still far from reach. We will present recent developments, based on joint works with Clayton Silva and Matheus Brito, regarding the construction of new examples in these classes of modules.