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系列学术报告:Strongly regular graphs: geometries and constructions

发布时间:2023-10-07 作者:77779193永利官网 浏览次数:
Speaker: Ilia Ponomarenko DateTime: 2023年10月11日至11月1日(每周三)下午19:00-21:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

Ilia Ponomarenko,俄罗斯科学院圣彼得堡Steklov数学研究所(华中师范大学特聘教授)。

Place: 六号教学楼6109教室
Abstract:报告一: Strongly regular graphs and designs, definitions and examples 报告二: Affine designs, examples and calculating the parameters 报告三: Partial geometries and pseudogeometric graphs 报告四: The Fon-Der-Flaass prolific construction of strongly regular graphs; Generalized quadrangles, explicit construction