Since Sept. 2002: Professor at UPEC (University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne). Promoted to PR1 and prex by CNU 26 in 2009 and 2016.
2005-2017: Part-time lecturer at École Polytechnique.
1999-2000: Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)
1997-2002: CR CNRS at the Laboratoire d'Analyse numérique, Université Paris 6.
1994-1997: Research award recipient at École Polytechnique, monitor at Paris 6.
2011-16: Member of the Junior IUF.
2001: Habilitation to direct research, University of Paris 6.
1996: Doctor in Mathematics, École Polytechnique. Thesis directed by J.-Y. Path.
1994: DEA in Pure Mathematics, University of Orsay.
1993: Engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique.
Leader of the ANR INFAMIE project (2016-2019, extended until March 2022).
Secretary of the SMF since 2017. In charge of SMF events (SMF junior competition, SMF research reports and CIRM-SMF weeks, in particular).
Head of the M1 in mathematics at UPEC since 2016.
Responsible for the M2 Bézout course since 2016.
Deputy Director of LAMA from May 2009 to December 2014 (i.e. local director of the Créteil site: 28 permanent staff, about fifteen doctoral students, 2 post-doctoral fellows and 2 ATER).
Leader of the LAMA EDP team, from 2006 to 2009, and since 2015.
Secretary of the CNFM (French National Committee of Mathematics) from 2010 to 2013 (Deputy Secretary 2008-10 and since 2014).
Responsible for the MIAS mention of the DEUG of the University of Paris 12 in 2003-05, then co-responsible for the L1 Sciences and Technologies from 2005 to 2008.
Co-responsible for the design of the implementation of the mathematics modules of part L of the LMD at the University of Paris 12 in 2005.
Co-responsible for L2 and L3 maths in 2005-06.